How to Create a Telegram Bot

CloudCX allows you to respond to messages sent by your customers through integration with the Telegram account. To set up the integration with CloudCX, you need to create a bot in your Telegram account and paste the Bot Token to CloudCX.

Create a Telegram Bot


A person Telegram account.

Note: You can access Telegram from your mobile device. However, you can also download and install Desktop Telegram get a bot token.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Open the Desktop Telegram and Log in with your registered phone number, or scan the QR code from your mobile Telegram.

  1. On the Search bar, type @botFather and select the BotFather bot from the Contact List.

  1. In the Reply area of the Conversation pane, click START.

  1. Click /newbot to create a new bot.

  1. Type the name of the new bot and click Send.

  1. Type the username of the new bot and click Send.

Note: The username of the bot must end in bot.

Your new Telegram bot is created successfully. You will receive the congratulatory message from the BotFather bot along with other information. In the congratulatory message, you will have to obtain the HTTP API, this value will be required while adding the Telegram Bot in the system, you can find more details from Telegram 3.1.5 Telegram.

Manage Telegram Bot

Edit Bot

If you want to change your bot's name, click Menu button, select and click /mybots edit your bots. You can change the bot’s name, follow the instructions in Telegram.

Change Token

If you want to change your bot's token, click Menu button, select and click /revoke revoke bot access token.

Select the bot you want to change the token, anc click it.

BotFather will replace your token with a newer one.