Contacts Webhook

Webhooks enable you to extend the capabilities of CloudCX Contacts. It is a tool to receive notifications from CloudCX when a trigger happens on a contact event. It allows you to register an http:// or https:// URL where the event data can be stored in JSON format. For example, you can use webhook as trigger action to send the contacts info to a 3rd party system.

Event Example Data Sent to Your Server

  • When a contact is created

{ "event":"ContactCreated", "contacts":[ { "id":"392a0465-fc1b-4820-abc7-e96cb5d98774", "firstName":"Allen", "lastName":"Ji", "avatarUrl":"", "email":"", "phoneNumber":"12345678", "contactId":"987654321", "owner":null, "ownerName":null, "leadStage":"Contact", "tags":null, "notes":null, "companyName":null, "jobTitle":null, "priority":"Medium", "ip":null, "countryRegion":null, "province":null, "city":null, "street":null, "zipCode":null, "language":null, "facebookUsername":null, "telegramUsername":null, "instagramUsername":null, "whatsappNumber":null, "subscribeEmail":true, "subscribeSMS":true, "subscribeWhatsapp":true, "lastChannel":null, "createdTime":"1730877830000", "lastUpdatedTime":null, "lastSeenTime":null, "lastConnectedTime":null, "lastHeardFromTime":null, "customFields":[] } ] }
  • When a contact is updated

{ "event":"ContactUpdated", "contacts":[ { "id":"392a0465-fc1b-4820-abc7-e96cb5d98774", "firstName":"Allen", "lastName":"Ji", "avatarUrl":"", "email":"", "phoneNumber":"12345678", "contactId":"987654321", "owner":"", "ownerName":null, "leadStage":"Contact", "tags":[ {"id":"5701e9c3-1313-4bff-9a00-4782139f57af", "name":" Software","color":"#DB4B4B"}, {"id":"df2e74e0-513a-4f64-b2c5-42229674b830", "name":"IT", "color":"#F0B20A" } ], "notes":null, "companyName":"Cloudfon", "jobTitle":"", "priority":"Medium", "ip":null, "countryRegion":"", "province":"", "city":"", "street":"", "zipCode":"", "language":"", "facebookUsername":"", "telegramUsername":"", "instagramUsername":"", "whatsappNumber":"", "subscribeEmail":true, "subscribeSMS":true, "subscribeWhatsapp":true, "lastChannel":null, "createdTime":"1730877830000", "lastUpdatedTime":null, "lastSeenTime":null, "lastConnectedTime":null, "lastHeardFromTime":null, "customFields":[] } ] }
  • When a contact is deleted

{ "event":"ContactDeleted", "ids": ["392a0465-fc1b-4820-abc7-e96cb5d98774"] }

Add Contacts webhook

  1. Login to your CloudCX Control Panel.

  2. Click Apps&Intergrations.

  3. Go to the Webhooks card and click Settings.

  1. Click create contact webhook

  1. Choose the Event type and provide the URL to which the event data will be sent.

  1. Click Save.