Twilio WhatsApp
Each WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) ID account can only tied to one Twilio Account Sid.
Step 1: Twilio WhatsApp account + CloudCX subscription
First, make sure you have a WhatsApp account with Twilio. If you don't, read this:
📗 How to apply for a Twilio WhatsApp Account
Step 2: Add Twilio WhatsApp channel
In your CloudCX, Select Inbox > Channels, and then click on WhatsApp
On the next page, Click Add icon, and then Select Twilio WhatsApp.
You should see the following:
Step 3: Copy Twilio account settings into CloudCX
3.1. Go to your Twilio dashboard: Twilio Cloud Communications | Web Service API for building Voice and SMS Applications
3.2. Copy your Account SID and Auth Token, and paste them into the CloudCX setup page.
3.3. Go to your Twilio phone number settings page: Twilio Cloud Communications | Web Service API for building Voice and SMS Applications
3.4. Select your WhatsApp number, and copy the Phone Number:
3.5. Paste all of the above into the CloudCX Twilio WhatsApp setup page, and click on Save.
Step 4: Copy CloudCX Webhook URL into Twilio
Once you've activated the channel, CloudCX will generate a Webhook URL:
Go to your Twilio Programmable Messaging → WhatsApp Senders section: Twilio Cloud Communications | Web Service API for building Voice and SMS Applications
Select your WhatsApp number, and paste the same Octopods Webhook URL in all 3 areas. This is extremely important:
Don't forget to save!
Your Twilio WhatsApp account is now connected to CloudCX.