Twilio WhatsApp
Each WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) ID account can only tied to one Twilio Account Sid.
Step 1: Twilio WhatsApp account + CloudCX subscription
First, make sure you have a WhatsApp account with Twilio. If you don't, read this:
📗 How to apply for a Twilio WhatsApp Account
Step 2: Add Twilio WhatsApp channel
In your CloudCX, Select Inbox > Channels, and then click on WhatsApp
On the next page, Click Add icon, and then Select Twilio WhatsApp.
You should see the following:
Step 3: Copy Twilio account settings into CloudCX
3.1. Go to your Twilio dashboard:
3.2. Copy your Account SID and Auth Token, and paste them into the CloudCX setup page.
3.3. Go to your Twilio phone number settings page:
3.4. Select your WhatsApp number, and copy the Phone Number:
3.5. Paste all of the above into the CloudCX Twilio WhatsApp setup page, and click on Save.
Step 4: Copy CloudCX Webhook URL into Twilio
Once you've activated the channel, CloudCX will generate a Webhook URL:
Go to your Twilio Programmable Messaging → WhatsApp Senders section:
Select your WhatsApp number, and paste the same Octopods Webhook URL in all 3 areas. This is extremely important:
Don't forget to save!
Your Twilio WhatsApp account is now connected to CloudCX.