Introduction to WhatsApp Message Templates

Templates are reusable messages that you can send to your customers, with a few variables that you can customize. These are useful for notifications, and can be sent directly from the Inbox.

Once the 24-hour customer service window has expired, Message Templates are the only way you'll be able to reestablish contact with your customer. Click Session Messages & Template Message for more information on the customer service window. 

Here’s an example of what a template looks like:

Your order for {{1}} for a total of {{2}} is confirmed. The expected delivery is {{3}}.

Your order for {{1}} for a total of {{2}} is confirmed. The expected delivery is {{3}}.

You can use this template to send the following message:

Your order for five meals for a total of $30 is confirmed. The expected delivery is in 2 days.

Your order for five meals for a total of $30 is confirmed. The expected delivery is in 2 days.

How do I send a message using a WhatsApp template?

In your agent panel inbox click on the icon to see the list of pre-approved message templates that you have on your WhatsApp Business API account, as shown below:

In the above example, there are a few templates registered in my account. Selecting the template named fona_ticket allows me to fill in the required variables, as shown below:

Replace the variables (if you have any):


Press send, and this message will reach your WhatsApp customer, even after the 24-hour service window has expired.