3.4 Web Chat View

3.4 Web Chat View

When a new chat request is received from a widget, CloudCX will first assign it to the corresponding chat queue based on the widget's routing rules. After being assigned to the corresponding chat queue, the chat request will be assigned to an online agent who can accept new chat requests for processing according to the chat queue's auto distribution.

CloudCX Web Chat supports agents in viewing and managing chat lists, including Waiting for Chat, Ongoing Chats, Chat Ended, and Manually Invited.

View & Manage Chats


To ensure that new chat requests are successfully assigned to the most appropriate agent, the system administrator needs to configure the settings of Routing Rule for each widget and the settings of Auto Distribution for each chat queue. You can find more details from Routing Rules Setup 2.5 Set up Chat Routing Rules and Auto Distribution9.1.2 Chat Queue Management | Auto Distribution.

Step-by-Step Instructions

In the system, you can view and manage the following list from the left lists in the Agent Panel > Web Chat.

Waiting for Chat

When the current ongoing chats reach the Maximum Number of Concurrent Auto-Accepted Chats in the destination chat queue you belong to. The next chat request assigned to the chat queue will enter the wait queue and appear in the Waiting for Chat list.

For example, there is an Agent A belongs to 3 Chat Queues, the settings for Agent A, B, C as below:


Chat Queue

Maximum Number of Concurrent Auto-Accepted Chats



Chat Queue

Maximum Number of Concurrent Auto-Accepted Chats



Chat Queue A


Widget A


Chat Queue B


Widget B


Chat Queue C


Widget C

  • No matter the 1st chat request come from which widget, the chat will go to the Ongoing Chat list and assigned to Agent A;

  • When the 2nd chat request come from the Widget A, the chat will go to the Waiting for Chat list; when the 2nd chat request come from the Widget B or Widget C, the chat will go to the Ongoing Chat list and assigned to Agent A;

  • When the 3rd chat request come from the Widget A or Widget B, the chat will go to the Waiting for Chat list; when the 3rd chat request come from the Widget C, the chat will go to the Ongoing Chat list and assigned to Agent A;

  • No matter the 4th chat request come from which widget, the chat will go to the Waiting for Chat list.


In the Agent Panel > Web Chat > Waiting for Chat list, you can do the following:

  • View the destination chat queue for the chat by viewing the button image-20241012-102005.png.

  • View the chat comes from which widget by viewing the button image-20241014-071537.png.

  • When your Chat Queue has enabled the function to Allow agents to manually accept chats when their concurrent chat number reaches the maximum value in Auto Distribution, you can accept the chat by clicking the button image-20241014-071836.png, then the chat will goes to Ongoing Chat list. Otherwise, only the user with administrator role can manually accept chats.

  • Refused the chat by clicking the button image-20241014-071858.png, then the chat will disappear from the list. This chat can not be accepted by any agent ang more, unless the visitor sends a new chat request again.


About the setting of Maximum Number of Concurrent Auto-Accepted Chats, you can find more details from Auto Distribution 9.1.2 Chat Queue Management | Auto Distribution.

Ongoing Chats

When the current ongoing chats within the Maximum Number of Concurrent Auto-Accepted Chats in the destination chat queue you belong to, the next chat request assigned to you will appear in the Ongoing Chat list.

In the Agent Panel > Web Chat > Ongoing Chat list, you can do the following:

  • View the destination chat queue for the chat by viewing the button image-20241012-102005.png.

  • View the chat comes from which widget by viewing the button image-20241014-071537.png.

  • Switch the chat window by clicking each chat.


In the chat window, you can do the following:

  • View the visitor basic information from the top left corner of the chat window.

  • Ban the visitor or leave the chat from the top fight corner of the chat window.

  • View the events during the chat from the middle of the chat window.

  • Reply to the visitor from the bottom of the chat window. About the chat reply, you can find more details from Chat Reply3.1 Chat Reply.

  • Convert a chat to a ticket by clicking the buttonimage-20241015-071517.png, you can find more details from 3.3 Manually Convert a Chat to a Ticket.

  • In the right drawer menu, you can do the following:

    • When your administrator integrated with the third-party CRM system, such as Salesforce, Zoho, Hubspot in the Admin Console > App & Integrations, you can sync the visitor’s information to the third-party CRM system by clicking each button.

    • View the chat request’s information by clicking the button image-20241014-101141.png.

    • View and manage the contact information by clicking the button image-20241014-102703.png.

    • View history Wrap-up or input a new Wrap-up by clicking the buttonimage-20241014-102847.png.

    • Send Knowledge Base, Canned Message, and Work Flow by clicking the button image-20241014-102831.png, you can find more details from Chat Reply3.1 Chat Reply.

    • View the history chats by clicking the buttonimage-20241014-102955.png.

In the History, you can view all the chats with the visitor. You can click a history chat to view the details, in a history chat, you can view the following information:

  • All the agents, flows, AI Agents chat with the visitor.

  • All the messages sent between visitor and agents, flows, AI Agents.

  • All the events during the chat.

  • Wrap-up info collected from agents.

  • Visitor’s information collected from Pre-Chat.

Chat Ended

In a chat assigned to you or monitored by you, if either the visitor or the agent manually ends the chat, the chat will appear in the Chat Ended list and disappear from the Ongoing Chats list.

For the ended chat, you can not send any message to the visitor, you can only do the following:

  • Convert a chat to a ticket by clicking the buttonimage-20241015-071517.png, you can find more details from 3.3 Manually Convert a Chat to a Ticket.

  • When your administrator integrated with the third-party CRM system, such as Salesforce, Zoho, HubSpot in the Admin Console > App & Integrations, you can sync the visitor’s information to the third-party CRM system by clicking each button. image-20241015-071810.png image-20241015-071821.png image-20241015-071832.png

  • View the chat request’s information by clicking the button image-20241014-101141.png.

  • View and manage the contact information by clicking the button image-20241014-102703.png.

  • View history Wrap-up or input a new Wrap-up by clicking the buttonimage-20241014-102847.png.

  • View the history chats by clicking the buttonimage-20241014-102955.png.

When you want to remove the chat from the Chat Ended list, you need to input a Wrap-up for the chat, including Comment and Category, then click Save. After the system prompting Save successfully, you can click Close and then click Confirm in the pop-up window to close the chat.

Manually Invited

When you click image-20241015-073914.png to manually invite the visitor and send an invitation message from the Visitor list, the chat for the invited visitor will appear on the Web Chat >Manually Invited list, you can find more details from Invite 2.2 Manage Visitors | Invite.

In the Manually Invited list, you can view visitor’s information, send message to the visitor, and sync the visitor’s information to the third-party CRM system same as the chat in Ongoing Chat list, you can find more details from 3.4 Web Chat View | Ongoing Chats.

Before the visitor accept the chat request from you, the visitor can only see the welcome message and can not see the other messages. After accepting the chat, all the messages sent from your side will display in visitor’s chat window.

If the visitor refused the chat or you leave the chat, the chat will appear in the Chat Ended list and disappear from the Manually Invited list.

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