6.5 Contacts Field

6.5 Contacts Field

Contact information is stored in contact fields. CloudCX contact fields include system fields and custom fields.

In the fields list, fields are marked with different letters.

  • Letter “S” represents a system field. System fields cannot be deleted. Only part of the field information can be edited.

  • Letter “C” represents a custom field. You can create, edit, or delete custom fields to track your contact information better.

  • Letter I” represents an identity field. All identity fields are system fields. At least one of the identity fields is required when creating a contact. 


To create a custom contact field, follow these steps:

(1)Log in to the CloudCX Control Panel.

(2)From the left navigation menu, go to Global Settings > Advanced > Contact Fields.


(3)Click Add


(4)Select a data type as per your need. 


(5)Provide field details, such as Name, Field length, Help text, or value required. The following example is a Dropdown list type field.


(6)(Optional) Turn on the toggle keys: Visible and Required. The meaning of field settings are as follows:

  • Visible: Visible fields appear when creating contacts. If you do not need a prebuilt field, turn off the Visible toggle to hide it.

  • Required: Required fields indicate the information is required when creating a contact.


(7)Click Save to complete the custom field configuration.

Now, when you go to your Agent Console, you will find a custom field that has been added under the Contact tab.






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