6.1 Manage Contacts
CloudCX Contacts help you improve productivity and efficiency and enable you to maintain structure in your marketing campaigns and customer support efforts.
Create Contacts
The system supports three ways to create contacts:
System Auto Create Contacts
Automatically creating contacts can enable conversations and contacts to be automatically associated, and save Agents from expending more energy on manually creating Contacts.
When a new visitor comes from Web Chat, the system will automatically create the visitor as a Lead stage contact. You can view and edit the contact from Agent Panel > Web Chat >Ongoing Chats > Contact Information or Admin Console > Contact.
If the system did not capture the visitor’s name, the system will automatically assign a false name for the visitor and create the visitor’s false name as a contact.
When a new customer comes from the Inbox, the system will automatically create the customer as a Lead stage contact. You can view and edit the contact from Agent Panel > Inbox >Ticket > Contact Information or Admin Console > Contact.
The contact will be named as the social ID or name.
Manual Create Contacts
In addition to being automatically created and generated according to rules, contacts can also be manually created by administrators as needed.
A valid system admin account.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Go to your system
CloudCX installation domain
, and log in with the admin account.From the left navigation menu, go to Contact.
Click New button to create a new contact.
In the Create a new contact page, you can do the following:
(Optional) Input a first name and a last name for the new contact.
Input at least one of the Email, Phone number or Contact ID to create a new contact.
Click Create a contact button to create.
If you do not input a contact ID for the new contact, the system will automatically create a contact ID for the new contact. The contact ID is a unique identifier and can not be changed.
The default Lead stage for manually created contacts is Contact.
Import Contacts
In some cases, administrators need to import numerous contacts into the system in batches. At this time, manually compiling one by one is obviously not convenient enough. At this time, importing contacts in batches can be conveniently operated. You can find more details from 6.3 Import Contacts.
Manage Contacts
Customize table
A contact in the system has about 40 system fields by default, and also supports custom fields. However, the default display area on the list page is limited. Through Customize table, administrators can conveniently set which fields need to be displayed on the list page.
Click Customize Table to open the table list.
Check the fields you want to show in the table from the Field not shown in table list.
The selected field will be moved to the Fields visible in table list, then close the table list.
The system will automatically refresh the contact table.
Bulk Update Contacts
In some cases, administrators need to conveniently perform batch operations on contacts, such as batch assigning contacts to a certain person or batch tagging contacts.
Currently, the system supports the following batch operations:
Batch tagging: Select contacts, then click Add Tag button.
Batch assignment: Select contacts, then click Assign to button.
Batch modification of subscription status: Select contacts, then click More > Update Subscription button.
Batch deletion: Select contacts, then click More > Delete button.
If you do not select any contacts before performing a batch operation, the system defaults to selecting all contacts for the batch operation.
Merge Contacts
When a visitor accesses a chat through Web Chat, the system will automatically create a Contact with Email and Phone Number. However, if the same visitor accesses from different browsers and is later received by different Agents, there will be multiple Contacts with the same Email or Phone Number belonging to the same visitor in the system.
When you knew there are multiple Contacts with the same Email or Phone Number, you can merge multiple Contacts directly from the Contacts list.
Select all the Contacts with the same Email or Phone Number in the Contacts list.
Click Merge button to open the merge contacts drawer.
Select a Primary-Contact.
Click Merge button in the drawer.
In the Merge duplicates pop up window, click Yes, merge button.
All the records in Secondary-Contacts have been merged to the Primary-Contact, and Secondary-Contacts have been deleted.
When you don’t know there are multiple Contacts with the same Email or Phone Number, you can select a Contact and check the contact’s details to know whether the Contact can be merged.
Select and click a Contact from the Contacts list.
If the Contact can be merged, the system will prompt that there are duplicate Contacts for this Contact in the system.
Click Merge to open the merge contacts drawer.
Select a Primary-Contact.
In the Merge duplicates pop up window, click Yes, merge button.
All the records in Secondary-Contacts have been merged to the Primary-Contact, and Secondary-Contacts have been deleted.
A maximum of 25 Contacts can be merged at one time.
The following are some data situations after merging:
Contact fields: It will be mainly based on the Primary-Contact, and the Secondary-Contacts will be filled in a supplementary way.
Created On Time: Select the earliest record among all merged Contacts (primary and secondary) as the created time.
Last Updated Time: Select the time of successful merge as the last updated time.
Subscription: Mainly based on Primary-Contact.
Conversations & tickets: All are merged into the Primary-Contact in chronological order.
Activity Logs: All are merged into the Primary-Contact in chronological order.
Media: All are merged into the Primary-Contact in chronological order.
Tags: Take the union of all Contacts.
Notes: Arranged in chronological order.
The Contact merge operation is irreversible.
Search Contacts
In many cases, there are too many contacts in a Segment. At this time, if you need to quickly find a specified contact, you can use the Search function of Contacts to find it.
By default, the system will perform a quick search for contacts under the current Segment.
The search logic is as follows:
Fuzzy search: First name, Last name, Email, Phone number.
Case-insensitive whole-word search: Custom Contact Fields (except for checkbox and date&time types).
Filter Contacts
When you need to batch-filter and accurately select some contacts, you can use the advanced filter to filter contacts. You can find more details from 6.4 Contact Filter and Segments.
Block and Unblock Contacts
When you want to prevent certain Contacts from continuing to send you junk messages or initiate a chat request, you can block them. After a Contact is blocked, it will be moved to the Block Segment, and then you will no longer receive any messages or chat requests from this Contact.
If you want to unblock this Contact, you only need to click Unblock contact button in the Block Segment to unblock the Contact.
The Contact ID is planted in the Contact’s browser cookie. If a Contact is blocked, he/she will not be able to see the chat button on your website using the same browser. However, if this Contact switches to another browser, uses another machine, or clears the cookies in the browser he/she previously used to visit your website, he/she will be able to see your chat button and initiate chat requests.
Edit Contacts
If you want to edit the contact, you can click the contact to enter the Contact Details page.
In the Contact Details page, you can edit the contact information under Contact Property.
Delete contacts
Select a contact and click delete icon.
In the Delete Contact (1) page, input the number of contacts to be deleted.
Click Delete button to delete.
You can also select a batch of contacts and click More > Delete to batch delete contacts.
Contact deletion is an irreversible operation. Once deleted, all content associated with this Contact will be deleted, including chat records, Tickets, etc.