Standalone - Install version V5.3.1
For testing, you only need to provide the basic 4 cores CPU and 8G RAM, and then follow the below command to install the CX Application and Midware on the same machine.
NOTE: Please follow Before Started and Server Specifications to complete the Basic installation environment.
1. Installation Steps
Make directory and change directory
mkdir -p /opt/cloud_cx/ && cd /opt/cloud_cx/
Note: /opt/cloud_cx/ is an example here, you can change to your directory name, and this directory will store user data.
Download install scripts
curl -o
curl -o
Note: is an example here, you can download and rename to your name.
Install docker environment and configure firewall.
Install CX Application Service
Login and configure the CloudCX.
Open Browser, input “https://host:9006/”, the “host” is the IP address or domain name of your CloudCX server (Linux Server).
2. CloudCX Control Commands
Show CloudCX services status
Restart CloudCX services
Restart the selected service of CloudCX
Stop CloudCX Services
Stop the selected service of CloudCX
Start CloudCX Services
Start the selected service of CloudCX
Uninstall CloudCX Services