Standalone - Install version V4.0 ~ V5.3

Standalone - Install version V4.0 ~ V5.3

For testing, you only need to provide the basic 4 cores CPU and 8G RAM, and then follow the below command to install the CX Application and Midware on the same machine.

NOTE: Please follow Before Started and Server Specifications to complete the Basic installation environment.

1. Installation Steps

  1. Make directory and change directory

mkdir -p /opt/cloud_cx/ && cd /opt/cloud_cx/

Note: /opt/cloud_cx/ is an example here, you can change to your directory name, and this directory will store user data.

  1. Download install scripts

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloud-cx/cloudfon-cx-install/main/v4.0.0/cloud_cx_ctl.sh -o cloud_cx_ctl.sh
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloud-cx/cloudfon-cx-install/main/v4.0.0/install_docker_cx.sh -o install_docker_cx.sh

Note: cloud_cx_ctl.sh is an example here, you can download and rename to your name.

  1. Install docker environment and configure firewall.

/bin/sh install_docker_cx.sh
  1. Install CX Application Service

sh cloud_cx_ctl.sh run -i puteyun/cloud_cx:${tag}

Note: Please MUST replace the Variables in the above command with the correct value

  • ${tag} is the release version of CloudCX, for example: 5.1

  1. Login and configure the CloudCX.

Open Browser, input “https://host:9006/”, the “host” is the IP address or domain name of your CloudCX server (Linux Server). 

IMPORTANT: To complete CloudCX initial configuration, please refer to 'System initialization ' guide.

2. CloudCX Control Commands

  • Show CloudCX services status

cd /opt/cloud_cx && /bin/sh cloud_cx_ctl.sh status
  • Restart CloudCX services

cd /opt/cloud_cx && /bin/sh cloud_cx_ctl.sh restart
  • Restart the selected service of CloudCX

cd /opt/cloud_cx && /bin/sh cloud_cx_ctl.sh restart -s [Service Name]
  • Stop CloudCX Services

cd /opt/cloud_cx && /bin/sh cloud_cx_ctl.sh stop
  • Stop the selected service of CloudCX

cd /opt/cloud_cx && /bin/sh cloud_cx_ctl.sh stop -s [Service Name]
  • Start CloudCX Services

cd /opt/cloud_cx && /bin/sh cloud_cx_ctl.sh start
  • Start the selected service of CloudCX

cd /opt/cloud_cx && /bin/sh cloud_cx_ctl.sh start -s [Service Name]
  • Uninstall CloudCX Services

cd /opt/cloud_cx && /bin/sh cloud_cx_ctl.sh rm

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