Webhooks enable you to extend the capabilities of CloudCX Contacts. It is a tool to receive notifications from CloudCX when a trigger happens on a contact event. It allows you to register an http:// or https:// URL where the event data can be stored in JSON format. For example, you can use webhook as trigger action to send the contacts info to a 3rd party system.
Event Example Data Sent to Your Server
When a contact is created
{ "event":"ContactCreated", "contacts":[ { "id":"54f3c4d4-e0c2-447f-8ce0-3a9cb7c05e2e", "contactName":"kaid", "firstName":"Wang", "lastName":"Wang", "companyName":"Cloudfon", "cellPhone":"1011", "officePhone":"18612345678", "mail":"kaid@cloudCX.com", "facebook":"186612345678", "instagram":"18612345678", "sms":"", "whatsApp":"18612345678", "telegram":null, "zipCode":"", "country":null, "province":"", "city":"", "street":"", "memo":"Software" } ] }
When a contact is updated
{ "event":"ContactUpdated", "contacts":[ { "id":"54f3c4d4-e0c2-447f-8ce0-3a9cb7c05e2e", "contactName":"kaid", "firstName":"Wang", "lastName":"Wang", "companyName":"Cloudfon", "cellPhone":"1011", "officePhone":"18612345678", "mail":"kaid@cloudCX.com", "facebook":"186612345678", "instagram":"18612345678", "sms":"", "whatsApp":"18612345678", "telegram":null, "zipCode":"", "country":null, "province":"", "city":"", "street":"", "memo":"Software" } ] }
When a contact is deleted
{ "event":"ContactDeleted", "ids":["a8309ee0-5dc1-4bd1-b8da-1dd5129c980f"] }
Add Contacts webhook
Login to your CloudCX Control Panel.
Click Apps&Intergrations.
Go to the Webhooks card and click Settings.
Click create contact webhook
Choose the Event type and provide the URL to which the event data will be sent.
Click Save.