Integrating OpenAI into your CX system can help improve customer experience by providing faster and more accurate responses.
Connect CloudCX with OpenAI
(1)Log in to your CloudCX account.
(2)From the left navigation menu, go to App & Integrations.
(3)Go to the OpenAI card, and click Settings.
(4)Populate the Secret Key you created at OpenAI to complete the integration configuration of OpenAI.
Please refer to the following steps to obtain the OpenAI secret key.
Step1: Log in your OpenAI account:
Step2: Click Personal, and then click View API keys
Step3: Click API Keys, and then Create new secret key
Step4: Fill in Name, and then click Create new secret key
Step5: The secret key was created successfully
(5)Select a gpt model, and you can set the model temperature.
Note: The main differences between different models are price and capabilities. For more details, please refer to OpenAI’s official website:
The higher the temperature, the stronger the creativity, and the higher the probability of uncontrollability. Lower temperatures mean greater accuracy, but correspondingly less creativity.
(6)Click Save.