Inbox(OmniSuit APP)

Inbox(OmniSuit APP)

Manage Tickets

Click Inbox icon from the bottom menu. In the Inbox module, you can see a list of customer’s tickets in All view, and you can see the following information about customers:

  • Customer’s profile, including customer’s photo, name, and comes from which channel.

  • The last message and send time for each ticket.

  • Assignee for each ticket.

  • Priority for each ticket, priority includes Low, Normal, High, Urgent.

  • Status for each ticket.


Status includes:

  • New: When a ticket is created, its default status is New.

  • Pending Internal: Tickets that are waiting for your organization’s reply.

  • Pending External: Tickets that are waiting for your customers’ reply.

  • On Hold: Tickets that require further check can use ‘On Hold’ status.

  • Resolved: Tickets that have been closed by agents.


Create New Ticket

  1. Click + button in the upper right corner to enter the New Ticket page.

  2. In the New Ticket page, select to create a new Email ticket or a new WhatsApp ticket.

  • When you select the Email channel, you can do the following:

    • Fill in the email subject into the Subject box.

    • Click to select a receiver or input an email address into the To box.

    • Click to select a sender from the From list.

    • (Optional) Click Upload file button and select a file from your device to attach to the email.

    • Input the text to the email body.

    • Select a chat queue that will be assigned the email ticket from the Chat Queue Assignee list.

    • Select an agent that will be assigned the email ticket from the Agent Assignee list.

    • Select a priority for the email ticket.

    • Click to select tags to add to the email ticket.

    • Click Send button to send the email ticket to the receiver.

  • When you select the WhatsApp channel, you can do the following:

    • Fill in the WhatsApp subject into the Subject box.

    • Click to select a receiver or input a phone number into the To box.

    • Click to select a sender from the From list.

    • Click to select a WhatsApp template from the template list in the WhatsApp body.

    • Select a chat queue that will be assigned the WhatsApp ticket from the Chat Queue Assignee list.

    • Select an agent that will be assigned the WhatsApp ticket from the Agent Assignee list.

    • Select a priority for the WhatsApp ticket.

    • Click to select tags to add to the WhatsApp ticket.

    • Click Send button to send the WhatsApp ticket to the receiver.


Other Operations

In the ticket window, click the "…" button in the top left corner, you can view the ticket’s tags and mark the ticket as Resolved、Mark it as Unread, or Delete it.
