Add Agents
(1)Log in to your Cloudfon CX control panel.
(2)From the left navigation menu, go to Global Settings > People > Agents.
(3)Click Add.
(4)Enter the agent’s information.
Agent Name(Required): Agent Name, used to log in.
First name(Required) and Last name: The agent's display name.
Chat Queue: Select which queue the agent belongs to. For more settings about Chat Queue.
Agent Roles: The roles that the agent act as in your team. For more settings about Agent Roles.
Skills: Select which skills the agent have. For more settings about Skills.
2FA: Enable Two-Factor Authentication. Email verification code is required when you log in. For more settings about 2FA.
Email(Required): The agent's email address.
Title: Title information, can be displayed to visitor in the header of the chat window.
Bio: Bio information, can be displayed to visitor in the header of the chat window.
(5)Click Save.
The agent will be notified by email.