CloudCX ZOHO Custom Configuration provides Tenants integration with ZOHO via the API for CRM. The configuration is done server-side, in an easy and straightforward way. Let's follow the instructions step by step to complete the custom integration with ZOHO in Tenant.
Create A ZOHO App
To integrate with ZOHO, you have to create a ZOHO app in your ZOHO.
A valid ZOHO Account.
An account that has the Administrator role.
Create A ZOHO App
Go to your ZOHO API Console and click on “+ADD CLIENT”.
Choose the Server-based Applications Client Type and click on “CREATE NOW”.
Enter a Client Name for your application, add your CloudCX system URL
CloudCX installation domain
to the Homepage URL, and Authorized Redirect URLhttps://your_cx_domain/api/v2.0/integration/app/callback/api/zoho
to the Authorized Redirect URIs, then click on “CREATE” to create it.
Once you create application, you will have to obtain the Client ID and Client Secret. These values will be required while setting up in the ZOHO custom configuration.
Configure ZOHO Integration in CloudCX
Click on “custom configuration” enter the custom configuration page.
Enter the below requested values, then click on “Next”. The ZOHO custom configuration page will be closed automatically.
Paste the Client ID & Client Secret to Client ID & Client Secret, the Client ID & Client Secret obtain from Client Secret .
Copy the Authorized Redirect URL and paste to Authorized Redirect URIs .
Enter the ZOHO login URL “” into Account Server Address & CRM address.
Click on “Connect with Zoho” and then login with your ZOHO account.
Note: You need to have particular sets of permissions in your ZOHO account for the integration to work. It is recommended that you use an ZOHO Admin account.
Choose one of the CRM’s organizations to connect with your CloudCX system, then click on “Submit”.
Click on “Accept” to approve the permission requests from your CloudCX system, the ZOHO connect page will be closed automatically.
The connected ZOHO account will be showed on the App & Integrations > Settings. Now, CloudCX will be able to save or update visitor’s information to the connected ZOHO account.