9.4 Rebranding
Our CX system supports customizing product name, logo, color, and font present to reflect your brand.
CloudCX Rebranding is an add-on feature. If you want to this feature, please contact your system admin.
Step-by-Step Instructions
(1)Log in to your CloudCX Control Panel.
(2)From the left navigation menu, go to Global Settings > Rebranding.
Note: The default setting of rebrand is disabled, and will use default design.
(3)Enable Rebrand.
(4)You can customize following items as you need.
Login Page;
You can customize the login page background color, account login font color and input box color.
You can upload favorite icon.
You can upload your logo in login page.
You can customize the ”Sign in” button for the login page.
Admin Console;
You can customize the top bar background color, first level and second level menu background color.
You can customize the color of first level menu icons.
You can modify the color of all buttons in CX with one click.
Note: You can click “Reset Default” to restore the settings to default.