4.7 Email Signature

An email account usually comes with its dedicated signature to show who you and the company you represent are. Being an agent, you may have different roles in your organization, and accordingly, you may have multiple email accounts associated with these roles to communicate with your customers. This feature allows you to design and use multiple ticket signatures while communicating with your contact.

  1. Go to your system CloudCX installation domain, and log in with the agent account.

  2. Click Preference Settings in the top right corner.

  1. Click Inbox to enter the Inbox settings page.

  1. In the Inbox pop-up window, go to Email Signature and select an email account.

  1. Using the formatting toolbar, create your signature in the text field and click Save.

  1. You can change the email account from the Reply with drop-down list when replying to an email.
    The email signature auto changes to the corresponding email account.