CloudCX provides robust reports which focus on the data and metrics that matter most to your chat quality, agent performance, visitor satisfaction, Bot performance, and Inbox performance so that you can make informed decisions for improvement. |
Web Chat Dashboard shows real-time Web Chat data and an overview of today’s chat performance. This report keeps you informed in real-time of all chats generated from your website.
This report is further broken down into two parts: Real Time and Chats & Messages.
This section is a real-time dashboard where the current number of chats, visits, available agents, and chat queue length can be checked.
Metrics in this section include:
Agents in Chat | The total number of agents who are currently involved in chats. |
Current Queue Length | The total number of visitors who have entered the chat queue and are waiting to be served. |
Visitors on Site | The total number of visitors on your websites where you have implemented your platform Web chat code. |
Logged-in Agents | The total number of agents whose status is Online or Away. |
Ongoing Chats | The total number of chats that are happening on your websites at the moment. |
Ongoing chats with Agents | The total number of chats currently occurring between visitors and agents. |
Ongoing chats with Flow | The total number of chats currently occurring between visitors and flow. |
Ongoing Chats with Bot | The total number of chats currently occurring between visitors and bot. |
Refresh: If you want to refresh the Web Chat Real Time report right now, you can click on the “Refresh” icon to manually refresh the Web Chat Real Time report.
Details: If you want to check more details about the Web Chat Real Time report, you can click on “Details” to switch to Reporting > Chats > Real Time, you can find more details about Web Chat Reports 7.2.1 Web Chat.
This section shows how many chats, offline messages, and visits occurred on your site within a specific time period(last 7 days).
Metrics in this section include:
Chats | The total number of chat sessions which have occurred (whether initiated by visitors, agents’ manual invitation, or auto-invitations) within a defined time period. |
Offline Message | The total number of offline messages left by visitors within a defined time period. |
Visits | The total number of visits within a defined time period. A visit session refers to a visit made to a website within a given time frame by a single user, from the status of In Site to Out of Site. |
Chats: You can click on “Chat” button to display or not display the chat volume.
Offline Message: You can click on “Offline Message” button to display or not display the Offline Message volume.
Visits: You can click on “Visits” button to display or not display the Visits volume.
For more reports about Web Chat, you can find more details about Web Chat Reports 7.2.1 Web Chat.