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Table of Contents |
1.1 Log in
1.1.1 Account Login
Input Company Code, Account, Password, click Sign in button, you can sign in the Cloudfon CX system.
Note: "Account" can fill in username or email.

1.1.2 Two-Factor Authentication
On successfully enabling the 2FA setup of your account, you can now use the 2FA after verifying your CloudFon CX credentials on the login page. You need to input the six-digit passcode generated by the 2FA authenticator app to the Input Authentication Code page. Your site administrator can choose to skip the 2FA for agents and super-agents for 14 days.
You must complete the six-digit passcode authentication within 10 minutes after verifying your CloudFon CX credentials and ensure to provide correct passcode in 5 attempts to prevent your account from getting locked.
If you are using Google Authenticator on Android devices, you need to select Sync now from the App's Settings and then Time correction for codes. If you are using other Authenticator apps or Google Authenticator on iOS devices, make the Set Automatically option enabled on the phone's Date & Time setting.
Each authentication code is valid for 30 seconds. You must ensure to always get and enter the latest correct code.
Login using 2FA on CloudFon CX Control Panel
To login using 2FA on CloudFon CX Control Panel, follow these steps:
On the User Sign In page, provide your CloudFon CX credentials, and click Sign In.

The Input Authentication Code page appears.
Enter the six-digit passcode generated from your 2FA authenticator app and click
CloudFon CX confirms successful sign-in to your CloudFon CX account.
1.1.3 Forgot password
If you forget password, click Forgot password icon, complete the following page, you can Reset Password.
Note: Company Code, Username, Password are set in Systemadmin User Guide.

a. Input Company Code to Company box.
b. Input Email address in Email box, click captcha.
c. Input captcha your email received in Email Captcha box.
d. Click Reset Password.

e. Input new password in Password box.
f. Input new password again in Confirm Password box.
g. Click Reset Password button.
Note: To use Forgot Password function, Email Server MUST be configured on Initial configure page first.You also can see Initial configure page when you login as System Admin User Guide.
1.2 Add Team Members
1.2.1 Agents
Cloudfon CX supports unlimited agents and allows you to collaborate with other agents during a chat session. You can add multiple agents to your Cloudfon CX account according to your needs.
Add Agents
Log in to your Cloudfon CX control panel.
From the left navigation menu, go to People > Agents.
Click Add.

Enter the agent’s information.

Agent Name: Agent Name, used to log in.
First name and Last name: The agent's name.
Chat Queue: Select which queue the agent belongs to.
For more settings about Chat Queue, click here.
Agent Roles: The roles that the agent act as in your team.
For more settings about Agent Roles, click here.
Skills: Select which skills the agent have.
For more settings about Skills, click here.
Mobile Number: Mobile Number.
Email: The agent's email address.
Title: Title information, can be displayed to visitor in the header of the chat window.
Bio: Bio information, can be displayed to visitor in the header of the chat window.
Click Save.
1.2.2 Queue
Add Queue
Log in to your Cloudfon CX control panel.
From the left navigation menu, go to People > Chat Queue.
Click Add.

On the New Department page, enter the Name and the Description to identify the department. And you can add required agents to the queue.

Then, click Save.
For more settings about Queue, click here.